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Creating Solutions


Seeing problems is often times the focus, yet creating solutions is so much more important!

If every time a child or an employee comes to us with a problem and we give them solutions, we are not helping ourselves. They are then trained to find problems and have someone else to solve them. It is an easy trap to fall into yet harmful to them and society as a whole.

In creating a solid workforce for our brighter future, we need our children and our staff to be "thinkers". If they bring us problems, we want them to bring viable solutions at the same time. I would go so far as to say even recommending one of the solutions!

In researching problem solving there are a multitude of methods offered.

First, identifying the problem. This is the opportunity to make things better. Take an honest look at the problem.

"Opportunities are problems in search of solutions." Denis Waitley

Second, and here is where things can differ, choose a solution strategy that works for you and your children or staff. We will use the example of 1-3-1.

  • 1 - Someone identifies problem.

  • 3- They create three viable options.

  • 1 - They recommend their preferred solution.

That is simple.

When stuck creating a solution, start asking more questions.

The old standard, "Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How" is still a great place to start your questions. The why refers to the problem that you are creating a solution for.

If you are guiding someone else to the answer, leave those questions open-ended to make sure they get the empowerment of creating the solution.

“You can increase your problem-solving skills by honing your question-asking ability.” Michael J. Gelb

When you know a solution proposed to you will not work, give examples and explain what assumptions are wrong so that they will understand why it does not work. Then ask more open ended questions.

A little more time up front can increase your business success drastically. It can also impact the success of your child's life. On the grand scale of things, it can impact our society's future success.

So I will work to change the feelings associated with "problems" to a positive opportunity for change. Thanks for spending a moment. See you next week! Sherrie Neff

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